
Do It Yourself: Repair Broken Nails

Tips on preserving and repairing bent nails. Guide to use of tools involved, as well as step by step instructions for conserving and recycling building materials.

So, you’ve got an old coffee can in your garage, filled about halfway with assorted nails, screws, bolts, and tacks.

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Tips for Filing Your Nails

Using the proper filing technique for your nails will result in stronger nails less prone to splits and breaks.

Learning the right techniques for nail filing will do more than just shape your nails. Proper nail filing methods will help protect your nails against breakage, and ultimately result in healthier and more beautiful nails.

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Beauty Tips: When And How To Use A Nail Hardener

How to grow long, luxurious nails: Learn which products and treatments will help and how to use them. Also included is advice on how to keep nails healthy and strong.

Some women naturally have strong nails and for these women, growing beautiful nails is not a problem. But, for thousands of women, growing long fingernails just doesn’t happen, no matter how hard they try.

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Beauty Tips: The Best Vitamins For Healthy Fingernails

Healthy FingernailsHealthy nails result from a combination of proper nutrition and the right combination of vitamins, minerals and other supplements.

In the last few years, it seems as though a lot of attention is being paid to fingernails. Nail salons have sprung up in nearly every community, and women are spending a lot of time and money on their nails.

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Health And Beauty: How To Make Your Nails Grow

Health and nutrition tips and techniques for growing strong, beautiful, and long fingernails without using press-ons or acrylic.

Despite our best efforts, many of us find at some point in our lives that our nails are not looking their best. They break, peel, and develop ridges, sometimes for no apparent reason. The truth is that many factors dictate nail health from environment, behavior and nutrition.

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