You are currently browsing the Fashion & Style archives for June, 2007 .

Buying Women’s Clothing Online

Tips for buying women’s clothing online. What you need to know before you place your order.

Ordering online lacks the real shopping experience. If you’re ordering books, you can’t page through them like you can at the bookstore; if you’re ordering clothes, you can’t try them on.

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Stay Cool And Comfortable With Plus Size Work-out Shirts

Great plus-sized workout gear is more readily available than ever before.

Gone are the days when work out clothing consisted of heavy sweats and scratch T-shirts. New lightweight fabrics ensure you’ll stay cool and comfortable, and better, dry even in plus-sized work out clothing.

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Cosmetics Tips And Ideas: The Benefits of Loose Face Powder

Why and how to use loose face powder.

While different people’s looks often demand varied types of makeup, some cosmetic elements are classic and can be used by everyone regardless of their age, skin type or fashion. Whatever your style, loose face powder is a critical thing to have in your bag of makeup tricks.

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Makeup Tips: When To Leave Beauty Marks And When To Cover Them

Find out if you should cover your beauty mark or show it off!

So you have a beauty mark, known to some as a mole or birthmark. Now you have the decision to leave it for the world to see, or cover it. As long as you have had the marking checked by a professional and it has been decided that the marking is safe and does not need to be removed then ultimately the decision is up to you.

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Pros And Cons: Is Wearing False Eyelashes For You?

To enhance your eyes’ natural beauty, you may want to consider experimenting with false eyelashes and other cosmetics without overdoing it.

Although nearly everyone is born with a natural set of eyelashes that frame the windows to our souls, Some of us have longer lashes than others.

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