Hair Removal Tips: How To Use A Cream Without Irritation

What is a hair removal cream?

Hair removal creams otherwise known as depilatory creams are designed to dissolve hair and the hair’s root bulb leaving a smooth surface that lasts for a couple of weeks. Regardless of what brand of depilatory cream you use they all pretty much contain one of the three following acid based ingredients that can cause mild irritation up to severe allergic reactions Urea, Calcium Hydroxide or Calcium Thioglycolates. Not to mention there may be other ingredients that an individual may have a reaction to, but these chemicals are the primary cause to most reactions. The Calcium Thioglycolates is the mildest form of the three and is what I would recommend if you must use a depilatory cream. READ the directions carefully. Always test a reasonable size area prior to each use. The bottle recommends a small area but about a four inch space should suffice. Even if you’re a veteran of using creams you should still test prior to use because each batch is not always mixed exactly as the last and companies often change the chemicals used without advertising so.

What you need to help prevent irritation.

Any of the following items can be purchased at a beauty supply store or health food/supplement store.

-Vegetable-based or natural skin brush, with brushing instructions if you’re a novice

-99% Aloe Vera Gel (has to be gel with no added ingredients. Additives could cause more irritation)

-Vitamin E oil in the gel caps

-100% pure Shea Butter (only for those who have sensitive skin)

-Skin brush alternate – 1 cup Mild liquid soap (dove dishwashing liquid works well NO BAR SOAP) ½ cup sugar 2 TBS oatmeal. Mix together in bowl while in shower and use.

What I have often done that has worked for me:

Use the brush daily for about a week prior to the use of the cream, especially on the area that you are going to do the hair removal on to help clean the skin, open the pores, exfoliate and toughen your skin’s resistance only. In no way will the brush toughen the skin itself it actually makes the skin softer and healthier. However, do not use the brush the day you are to use the cream. If you find you are not fond of the skin brush than use the skin brush alternate at least the night before the hair removal in the shower.

Following the directions on the bottle by testing an area and using it only on the area it is recommended for. If there is irritation than throw out the bottle and do not use it on yourself. If there is no irritation or only a mild reaction then at your own risk proceed with the rest of the area. However, prior to using the cream all over the area mix about ½ cup of the Aloe Vera with one Vitamin E tablet (break the tablet and let the oil drip into the Aloe Vera. Throw away the capsule shell and mix together). Apply a thin layer of the Aloe to the area you are going to use the cream on. Smooth quickly as it will dry quickly. Once the Aloe is dry proceed with the cream. Once you have applied the cream for the recommended time always rinse with nice warm water not hot. The warm water will allow your pores to open to thoroughly clean out the cream preventing any residue that is left behind to cause future irritation. Please keep in mind that this is an acid based product and acid keeps on going until it is neutralized. Whatever the bottle recommends as a rinsing time, DOUBLE the amount of time. Use of a hand held shower nozzle works great to get up close to the skin. If you do not have a removable shower head rinsing off in the shower works better than just using a rag alone to remove the cream. Once you have completely removed the cream and patted yourself dry apply another layer of the Aloe Vera mixture (you may need to mix more if doing a large area. Please do prior to hair removal so you can apply it immediately after you remove the cream.) If you find that you feel a slight burning sensation even after you have applied the Aloe use the Shea Butter. Please be sure this is 100% Shea Butter in block form not lotion with Shea or 50% it has to be 100%. If you find that you can only purchase the shea in the crumbled form melt a small amount by placing some in a small glass dish in down in hot water or placing a metal spoon in boiling and dipping the butter out with it so it will melt. Coca Butter can be substituted if you are unable to find the shea but the Coca Butter still has to be 100%. The Aloe and the Butter help in neutralizing the acids of the cream.

By: Maria Reeves

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